How to: Prepare video for YouTube with FFmpeg
When preparing media for Youtube, it's best to stick with their recommended settings. This command below resizes, adjusts frame rate (optional), and encodes your video to a new MP4 with specific settings for quality and compatibility.
How to: Understand FFmpeg flags
FFmpeg's flags can be confusing if you aren't familiar with them, and sometimes even if you are familiar! Let's take a look at some of them and see what they mean.
How to: Extract Audio from Video with FFmpeg
Extracting audio from a video is a fairly simple process with FFmpeg. There are several ways to do this, and you may find that one method suits over another. Let's take a look.
How to: Encode video with the H.264 codec with FFmpeg
Perhaps you have an old AVI video file that won't play on some modern applications, or would like to ensure your media can be played on the web. The H.264 codec is widely supported across all major browsers, and on both Apple and Android devices. Let's take a look.
How to: Install FFmpeg
Getting FFmpeg installed and configured on your system can be tricky if you haven't done it before. Here's how to do just that, with guides below for MacOS, Ubuntu / Debian, and Windows systems.
How to: FFmpeg Series
Have you ever stumbled upon a video file in a format your device just refuses to play? Or perhaps you dream of editing clips, converting audio, or streaming live content, but the command line seems daunting? Fear not, for this blog series will guide you through the sometimes complex world of FFmpeg.